

Great White played in Trinidad (Colorado), tonight... Many of you will remember them from their totally horrible, cheesy-assed music from the 1980's... others will remember them for causing a fire at a show this past February in Rhode Island that left 100 people dead, including their guitarist (who was originally from Ohio), and how none of the band showed up for his funeral... and how they still don't think they were at fault in any way for that fire... which they were...
I wish I would have known... so I could go and just boo and hiss until I got thrown out... or threatened by some mullet-headed reject from 1988 in a Twisted Sister shirt, reeking of Drakkar Noir... That would have been worth it...

NOTE: my original thoughts on the fire and such can be found here and subsequently here.

Listening to: THRICE - "The Artist in the Ambulance" (2003)