
Just a thought...

Y'know how Christina Aguilera has spawned this whole, completely stupid "Xtina" thing, right? I was in Coldstone Creamers the other night (a place that sells some wickedly good ice cream - I actually saw them on Food Channel before I ever moved here), and there was this girl wearing a hooded sweatshirt with "Xtina" embroidered in the ass-region. I got to looking at it (the embroidery, not her ass) and it kept striking me as a bit odd... Okay, the whole "X" thing... she's trying to make the "X" short for "Chris," right? Well, "Xmas" is short for "Christmas" (if you're a lazy ass and such)... so then "X" is "Christ," with a "t," right? So then, "Xtina" is "Christtina," right? Or did someone pass a law saying that "X" can be short for "Christ" or just "Chris?" If so, does that mean I can start referring to my friend Chris as just "X" from now on?
Either way, Christina Aguilera is skanky... I think the girl at the ice cream store wishes that she was skanky, too...

Listening to: Kyuss - "...and the Circus Leaves Town" (1995)