
Hooray For P. Diddy... (not)

As I have stated in earlier postings, P. Diddy is an asshole. Yeah, he ran in the New York Marathon today and raised money for kids... big fucking deal... Granted, I couldn't raise that kind of money for kids. I've never been able to do more than raise a few hundred bucks in a walk-a-thon when I was, like, ten... but the money that he donated didn't include a penny of his own. He raised something like two million dollars. He has paintings in his house that cost more than two milion dollars. He has a fleet of gangsta-proof cars that cost more than that. He has a clothing line that (while employing underage kids at fourteen cents an hour) makes more than that in a few days. Hell, he had corporate backings for this marathon shit from companies that clear ten million dollars a day.

Yeah, that two million dollars, none of which was his, will go to help some kids that need it, for sure. Considering the pull he has, not to mention the fortune, I would have thought that something around ten million would be something to take note of... If he had put ten thousand bucks or so of his own money, it would have been more impressive (although, considering how much money he has, not very impressive at all, yet more impressive than what he did do). But the fact remains that he's still an asshole that is just trying to make himself look good to people by spending other people's money on a noble cause.

P... um, Mr. Diddy, you suck... and you're not very talented at all... unh... unh... Bad Boys fuh life... unh...

Listening to: Mushroomhead - "XIII" (2003)