
Why Do People Let Him Make Records, Again?

I beilieve... that R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet (chapter 1)" is the single worst song ever written... ever. The story of the whole Trapped in the Closet project is maybe the dumbest ever for a concept project, as well.


I would like to pee on it.

Listening to: Todd Rundgren - Healing


Pigs Have Flown

As impressive as the Who were tonight at the Live 8 show in London, seeing the reunited Pink Floyd was absolutely incredible. It was such an emotional thing to behold, I damn near cried... okay, maybe I even did a little... As much as I love music... and as much as I have loved Pink Floyd since my brother introduced me to them when I was incredibly young ("Us & Them" was my baptism)... it was just incredible to see Roger Waters back onstage with them...

The only thing that could have showed that up was if John Lennon would have popped out onstage with Paul McCartney and said, "Fooled ya."

Listening to: C.O.C. - "In the Arms of God"