

Country-funk singer/songwriter Uncle Cracker (aka Matthew Shafer) was arrested Friday, August 17th in Raleigh, North Carolina according to Billboard.com. The reason for getting pinched? A woman accused the musician of performing a violating sexual act against her, without her consent. The official charge against the singer is a second degree sex offense.

The arrest warrant posted at TMZ says that Kracker is accused of "unlawfully, willfully and feloniously did engage in a sexual act other than vaginal intercourse" with the victim "by force and against the person's will".

The "Conditions of Release and Release Order" from the court, (also posted at TMZ) says that he had told the arresting officer that he planned to skip the state, back to his native Michigan, to avoid facing the charges and that his home address is unknown and because he was a "nationally known singer with major assets at his disposal," they determined that he was "an exceptionally high flight risk" and set his bail at $5 million dollars. However, the bond was reportedly later reduced to $75,000.

I've no idea if he actually did anything like this, but... D'oh!

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