
So... I hear this rumor that one of my all-time favorite bands ever, the Police,are going to open up the Grammys this year... the rumor also is that they're gearing up for a 30th anniversary reunion tour thing... All I can say is that I hope it's more than a rumor... 'cause there's been enough rumors about a Police reunion over the years, already.

On a related note, I recently got a really cool Police DVD - Everyone Stares. Stewart Copeland bought a super 8mm camera early on with the Police and basically proceeded to film all kinds of crazy shit... What resulted was this DVD - which actually paints the Police in a very positive light... considering how they used to fight like cats and dogs (which, seriously, they did out of a deep admiration and respect for one another), I was expecting at least a little smack talk... but there was none... just a really cool piece on the rise of one of the coolest post-punk bands, ever.

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