
Good God...

I always thought Nelly Furtado was overrated... like "how the hell did she get a record deal" overrated... her appearance on Saturday Night Live tonight did nothing but reinforce that belief... Oh, and going all ridiculously slutty? Didn't make her voice suck any less...

Listening to: The Cult - Electric



As much as I loved Pantera and as many hours as I spent learning a majority of their music over the years, I just can't stand to hear Phil Anselmo open his junkie mouth, anymore... Every time I hear him say something about Dimebag, I wanna puke. He just blathers on and on and on and barely makes any sense, anymore... It's like, "We get it - you're sad... you're SO not alone." Damn, I wish he would just go away... or at least just stop talking for a change... just go make a new Down album and then I'll listen to what you have to say again, then.

Listening to: Rebel vs. Rebel