
The Armageddon is Upon Us

So, I just got home from work... and I'm eating "dinner" (at 6:30am)... flipping the channels... I flip past VH-1 and I recognize this face... and this horrible voice... almost like a Gwen Stefani (which is bad enough, nowadays) on a really, really bad day... and sure enough... it's Paris "I'm a Filthy, Stupid Whore" Hilton (that is her middle name, isn't it?) doing some reggae-tinged thing called "Stars are Blind." I believe I may go blind from listening to and watching it... I've nearly lost my appetite, at this point. I talked about the prospects of Ms. Hilton actually putting out a record... and lo and behold, that day has finally come... and the world will not be a better place for it... Must... cleanse... must... be... clean... Ears.... bleeding... Must... cleanse.

Listening to: (ahhhh much better) Faith No More - "King for a Day (Fool for a Lifetime)"