
So, I went to the TooL concert in Columbus on Thursday... a little more than five years after I saw them there, before (9.14.01)... Well, I've seen them in between that time and all... but whatever... Great show... as always.

I went up with my friend Jim. Well, I have two friends named Jim. This was my friend from work, Jim... who went to school with some guys I played music with in the '90s from Rosemount (my "hometown"). We drove up in one car, my friend and former roommate Mike drove up with a couple of the guys he used to work with (one of which I've known as long as I've known Mike - the other was a newbie to me... it was, in fact, his first "big" concert, ever... and he's 22... by the time I was 22, I had probably been to a hundred "big" shows and who knows how many shows in smaller venues) and one of my other bosses (the underfuhrer, "Big Rog") and his girlfriend went up in another car. Anyhow, we had an absolute blast. One of the better overall concert experiences, ever. We had a really cool time. Jim and I talked a lot on the trip up and back and I realized he's even cooler and I thought, and I thought he was pretty cool to begin with. When we got back in town, I made him a copy of an incredibly well-done bootleg video from the 9.14.01 show and hung out for a while longer talking about music stuff... which I can do for far too long if need be.

Everything about the day was great... the people... the weather... the food... the beer we had at the brewery before the show... the show itself was awesome (MJK is a hoot)... I kept telling them all that they would like the opening act, too (Isis)... I tried turning them on the their CD a while back, anyway... It was a great way to spend a day off, I tell ya.

Listening to: the Rockford Files on tv