
Fred Durst is (still) a mook...

Okay... So did you hear about the eight NYU students who went to Mtv's TRL Thursday (October 10) and jumped up onstage in the middle of it with anti-war tee-shirts... got taken away by security... and then ANOTHER group jumped up and did the same thing... :)
So, they're escorting them out of the building (they had obtained tickets properly and didn't do any damage to any of the property, so there was nothing criminal in what they did) and they get escorted past the special guest of TRL that day, Fred Durst, who proceeded to reportedly "scoff at" and give the protestors dirty looks... hmm... so...

***HE can talk all the shit he wants about rebellion and angst and stuff in his music, BUT if someone steals HIS glorious spotlight for a fraction of a second and actually pulls off an "act of rebellion," they're dicks, eh?***

Well, Kid Durst, I've got something you can scoff... you can scoff my pud... You're an asshole... maybe a super-rich asshole, but a no-talent, no-balled, wannabe, I-bet-you-got-played-by-all-the-girls-in-high-school, super-rich asshole... You're the asshole's asshole...

[Author's Note: The "no-talent" comment was probably not fair, I admit... there was talent... The first album had some really good moments.]

---Have you ever heard the answering machine message that's all over the internet that Durst left one of the guys from Taproot, talking about how they were through in the industry, and how he was gonna see to it that no one signs them and then goes off on them with all this ridiculous shit that sounds like something a notch or two beneath my twelve year-old little cousin's mentality? Well, Fred... I happened to be flipping the channels, and lo and behold, the NEW Taproot video was on Mtv (NOT M2, or MMUSA, but the big corporate daddy, itself) the other day, got the new CD today... and meanwhile, where is Limp Bisquik y'all? Oh, yeah... I forgot - you wasted all this time going around to different shopping centers getting your doors blown off by a shitload of killer guitarists way too good for your band, just so you could come out on national tv and tell them all that they sucked... well, Fred, you suck, YOU are the one that's "just about as real as a three dollar bill..." (that doesn't even rhyme, you putz) What are sitting around wasting your time for, now? You know you wanna do duet albums with your idol, John Tesh (no disrespect to the John Tesh fans out there)...