
Courtney Love - Fucking Mental Case

Yeah, I know... most of you read that little blurb and think, "No shit, Tony." First, she gets arrested after throwing a tizzy on a Virgin Airlines flight (basically, she became uptight after the flight crew wouldn't allow her psychiatric nurse who was travelling with her to sit in first class with her - you can read more about it here - but problem number one - she's travelling with a psychiatric nurse - HELLO? If she needs a psychiatric nurse, should she even be travelling in the first place? HELLO?!?!?)... So then, she makes the smart move and kisses and "makes nice" with Virgin owner Richard Branson (a bit of a loon in his own right) a day later... then she proceeds to basically throw that all in the shitter when she announces she's gonna sue the flight attendant that made her lose touch with her composure on the plane (err, yeah)... Good move, dingbat...

So what's coming up for Ms. Love? How about a really nasty, heroin-chic, borderline-porn nude photo spread in the new issue of Q Magazine?
Wanna see? (you really dont) Are you sure? (run away quick) Are you really sure? (hurry while there's still time) Well, you have been warned. (your retinas will burn)

NOTE: If you are not at least 18 years of age (21 in some locations), US Federal law prohibits you from clicking the following links! (no, I wouldn't call this "porn" but I will cover my ass, in case someone else does) I am also NOT responsible for the petichii in your eyeballs exploding upon exposure to this crud...

(brace yourselves... no, seriously... I'm not fucking around...)
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Okay... Now that you have seen that wonderful stuff, you should probably visit your local religious place of worship and be exorcised of the demons that now posess your optic nerves... I am seriously afraid to close my eyes now, because the first thing I see is the pic of her getting a "Hollywood." Fucking ack...

So, what in the world is she doing letting people photograph here getting her butt'ole waxed and shit for? I mean, is it art? Uhm... Hell no, it's not... Well, many of you will remember that whole Madonna SEX book thing that she did (what, about ten years ago, right?). Well, two things that Madonna had at the time that Courtney Love does not have, currently - a.) a very nice (non-38 year-old) body, not funktified by alcohol and heroin/drug abuse (if you bothered to (or even could) read the little "article," they make mention to her pouring a "vintage bottle of champagne over her head" for shits & giggles - now that is alcohol abuse), and b.) a recording contract... (okay, I will concede that her body is not that incredibly bad for a 38 year-old woman - I'm sure there are some 38 year-old women that would trade bodies with her and all that, but there are a couple pics in there where she honestly looks about 50 years old)... I think she thinks she's trying to be all controversial and stuff, but frankly, I find it all rather pathetic and embarassing for her.

Will this absofuckinglutely ridiculous publicity stunt get her a record deal? I seriously think the only thing that she's gonna get from it (besides the continued hatred of Kurt Cobain fans who say she murdered him) is a recommended return-trip to Betty Ford... Since Universal nixed her and her band a few years ago, no record company has been willing to touch her with a ten-foot pole for some reason, which I really can't say that I understand from a musical perspective, because Hole did have a bit of commercial viability, even compared to some bands that are getting rather huge today that don't have a "commercial" bone in their bodies... But when she pulls stupid crybaby crap on an airplane, followed up with this cheap-assed, pseudo-porn publicity gimmick, I realize why record companies are in no hurry to distribute her new music... because she's a lunatic.

I seriously feel for young Francis Bean.

On a bit of a related note, I was rummaging through the aisles of the bookstore the other day and I saw the Kurt Cobain: Journals (a.k.a. "PRIVATE Stuff He Never Wanted ANYONE to Read and Then His Skank Widow Decided She Could Make a Buck From Them") on the shelves and the first thing that came to my head - "Damn, Courtney you are a complete whore for the dollar... What's next? Cobain Cologne: made from his sweat that you used to wipe off his brow (and store in jars in the basement, waiting for a chance to make it payoff for you)..." Trash...

I reiterate, I seriously feel for young Francis Bean.

Listening to: Taproot - "Welcome" (2002)