
A Dork is a Dork
Okay. Time to pick on Fred, yet again... Every few days, he likes to post random thoughts and stuff in the band's "webpage" and likes to call it "news." A couple weeks ago, he had posted a couple bits of "news" regarding his personal relationship with Britney Spears, at one point saying he had "never felt this way [about anyone] before..."
...well, at least that day, maybe... I go there today just to see if there's any more dirt about it all (because frankly, I find the whole thing kind of interesting in an indigestion-causing kind of way)... NOT ONLY are ALL the posts regarding the aforementioned "relationship" between himself and Britney now mysteriously GONE, but... there's a post (dated 1/27) in which he talks about a dream he has about (new free-agent) Angelina Jolie... apparently a song ("Building a Bridge") from the new album is about her, and when he tells her it is (in the dream), "...she kissed me like no other." What a cheeseball... He then goes on to say, "that is truly and literally the woman of my dreams. whoa!! i think about her way too much..." Who's it gonna be next week, Freddie? [insert famous hottie or not-so-hottie here]???

Listening to: The Flaming Lips - "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" (2002)