
No, Avril Lavigne is Not Punk... Who Cares?
Yeah, I like to dig into certain musicians/entertainers on here from time to time. I'm allowed to... you're allowed not to care what I think, too (or you can post a comment at the bottom of these posts calling me whatever name you like)... no biggie, right? Good. With that in mind, I was rummaging around on Google as I usually do every day, looking desperately for something to read that won't depress me beyond all belief... so I type in (completely on a whim) -Avril Lavigne buttcrack-... I keep hearing about how she has some thing about her ass hanging out, but in the few times I've seen her, have never actually caught sight of it... so I figured I would see if she even really has a buttcrack... No surprise that there are, like, four pages of references to it... Down the page a little is a link entitled Go to Hell Avril Lavigne!. Well, I had to click it... the whole curiosity thing in me, I suppose... All I could think as I read it was, "Wow, whoever this is has really invested a lot of time and effort slaggin' her." (even funnier was the fact that at the bottom of the page are links to other haters that have invested equal amounts of wasted time and space hating and trying to "debunk" her, or something). Okay, no shit that she's not "punk" (but in all fairness, trying to compare anything "punk" today to the real punk of the pioneers like the Pistols, DK, the Clash, etc. is like trying to compare the Monkees to the Beatles) and judging by some of the things she's said in some interviews I've read, she's probably not making all kinds of new friends in the business, either. And I certainly found it hard to stomach that she got hooked up with FIVE Grammy nominations (although, honestly, the Grammys are total horseshit, anyway, so maybe I'm not that surprised). But at the end of the day, where is she? That's right... way better off than a whole lot of the clowns that sit around wasting time (and judging by a couple of the more elaborate hater-sites, a lot of time, at that) ragging on her. I mean, why not waste time ragging on people that deserve it (like Fred, Christina, or Shania)? I'm certainly not an Avril Lavigne "fan" or anything like that, but I couldn't care less if she can skate or what she wears, and if people wanna rag on her for not being able to play the guitar (although it appears she can actually fart around on one with some success), fine... pick one up yourself and learn to play it with any degree of success, then go out and score 5 Grammy nods (get one, even - hell... release an album, for that matter) then... and when your little plan for stardom and trying to make Ms. Lavigne out as any less great than yourself backfires, shut the fuck up and get on with the rest of your life. When I saw her on Saturday Night Live, recently (hosted by what turned out to be a fucking hilarious Jeff Gordon), I thought she sounded pretty damn good for an 18 year-old... hell, she sound pretty damn good, period... When I was 18, I was playing county fairs and swim dances and Battle of the Bands bullshit for gas money...

Listening to: Filter - "The Amalgamut" (2002)