

I had heard that Joey Vera (ex Armored Saint, current Fates Warning & Engine) was going to be Metallica's new bass player... turns out the bass player on the new album is gonna be... none other than their jizz-laden producer Bob Rock... yep, the same man responsible for ruining bands like Skid Row, Veruca Salt, M�tley Cr�e, the Cult (only to redeem himself on their 2001 reunion album) and Metallica (although they are probably more to blame for their own suckdom than Bob Rock, maybe - eh... 50/50, anyway) to name just a few...
I think I'm only telling the truth when I say that the last Metallica album worth listening to more than once was "...and Justice For All." Actually, the last real "Metallica" album was actually probably "Master of Puppets." Everything else only got popular because someone else told all the sheep, "Hey guys, this is popular, becuase we say so" (because some execs dished out a pile of payola to them to get them to say that it was popular), and the sheep bought it, just like they do with countless other bands, today (and we all know what corporate whores I'm referring to by "someone else" (hint: Starts with an "M" and ends with a "TV")... They are so full of themselves nowadays, I can't believe Lars and James can sit within 20 feet of each other without clunking swollen heads.
They couldn't make me listened to their new album even if they wrote a song called "Tony Phillips, You Rule" (and meant it), packed the CD in a box of 24k gold bricks and had it delivered in my brand new Ferrari by Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Connally... Well, okay... maybe then I would listen to it... once... and chuck it out the window as I'm going down the road in my new Ferarri paid for out of Lars Ulrich's skeevy pockets while the Jennifers had a catfight over who got to give me a massage first.

Listening to: King Crimson - "THRAK" (1995)