
Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda

I was supposed to be at the Flaming Lips show in Columbus, right now... but instead, I just got back from Golden Corral, where I made a big pig of myself for $9.88. I don't think it was a fair trade (at all), but on the upside, I probably won't be hungry again for, like, a week...

Listening to: still Faith No More...

Apple Makes a Run at Legitimizing Online Music in a Big Way

The good folks at Apple have launched the iTunes Music Store... making (at the moment) more than 200,000 songs available to pop onto your iPod or to your Mac CD burner for a mere $0.99 a pop... also, complete albums are available for $9.99, complete with cover art and the ability to burn limited copies legally... too cool... the only downside for now is that you have to be on a Mac or have an iPod... 600,000 iPods have been sold since their introduction - at first to the anger of record labels, claiming that companies like Apple were giving kids the equipment to steal their label's music... now with the introduction of the iTunes Music Store, the anger stands to turn to happiness, as kids will be putting out a little bit of change to the labels to legally own the music on their iPods.
Will Apple's move revolutionize the emusic market? Many, many insiders seem to think it just might...

In another bold move, Apple head honcho Steve Jobs is also making a bid to purchase the Universal Music Group, a company currently valued at 6 billion dollars.

Listening to: Faith No More - "King For a Day... Fool For a Lifetime" (1995)


Return From the Abyss...

Okay... I am officially "back." Not that I went anywhere, really... just been having lousy connection problems and stuff over the past few... Hopefully the good people at my provider will not be giving me much more hassles like that... 'cause it sucks when they do... anyhow....

Creed (as well as their management and ticket giant Ticketmaster) is being sued by four fans that were less than impressed by a December '02 show in Chicago... seems they want their money back for their tickets and parking, because singer Scott Stapp was so "intoxicated/medicated" that he couldn't make it through a single song and spent much of the evening offstage (it was reported that at one point, he actually passed out in the middle of the stage)... The four are also asking a judge to consider a class action lawsuit that would allow all 15,000 audience members to recoup their ticket money (a tidy sum of around 2 million dollars)...
All I can say is that basically, Creed sucks... any fair reason to sue that flaky weenus and his little group of sissy-marys is a good one... and yes, I can do better... anyday... so fuck you if you think I'm being harsh...


While No Doubt is on hiatus, Gwen Stefani is gonna venture out solo, setting up what I knew was coming a long time ago... the demise of a killer-turned-mediocre band because the little cutie singer started believing her own hype (shades of the video for "Don't Speak" totally coming true)...
Like I said, it's no surprise, whatsoever... No Doubt sucks ass, now... sure they're more popular than they've probably ever been... because they're sellout garbage... So the logical step is that Ms Stefani buys that she's something worth listening to outside of the No Doubt moniker, and will, "no doubt," put out an album full of guest shots and electronica tripe for the masses and their wannabe hipster dufus mommies to latch onto quicker than you can say "get that shit off my stereo."
The only saving grace thusfar for Ms. Stefani is that she hasn't went and got a boob job, yet... She seems like someone of pretty decent charachter that doesn't need to resort to crap like selling her body (her face already works for most of us)... whether she goes and spoils that, too, is yet to be seen...


Oh, yeah... before I forget... Fuck you, Fred Durst... You need to go ahead and get out of the closet before Vanilla Ice drags you out...
And fuck you, too, Godsmack... blah blah blah... same fucking songs, different names - same piles of crap for sale (no, the new drummer didn't help)... you're just a bunch of rip-off artists that toally suck donkey nuts.

Do I seem even a bit more harsh than usual?
(yup... back to my old games...)

>>this bit of flameage brought to you by the letter "3"<<

Listening to: Systematic - "Pleasure to Burn" (2003)


I Suck

Yeah, I know... I need to get with it... No updates in a while... I'm slackin'... Well, I've got some shit to talk about on both weblogs, so I suppose I'll be getting down to it later on... stay tuned, kiddies...

Listening to: Trapt - "Trapt" (2002)