
Apple Makes a Run at Legitimizing Online Music in a Big Way

The good folks at Apple have launched the iTunes Music Store... making (at the moment) more than 200,000 songs available to pop onto your iPod or to your Mac CD burner for a mere $0.99 a pop... also, complete albums are available for $9.99, complete with cover art and the ability to burn limited copies legally... too cool... the only downside for now is that you have to be on a Mac or have an iPod... 600,000 iPods have been sold since their introduction - at first to the anger of record labels, claiming that companies like Apple were giving kids the equipment to steal their label's music... now with the introduction of the iTunes Music Store, the anger stands to turn to happiness, as kids will be putting out a little bit of change to the labels to legally own the music on their iPods.
Will Apple's move revolutionize the emusic market? Many, many insiders seem to think it just might...

In another bold move, Apple head honcho Steve Jobs is also making a bid to purchase the Universal Music Group, a company currently valued at 6 billion dollars.

Listening to: Faith No More - "King For a Day... Fool For a Lifetime" (1995)