
Please Don't Cry, Kelly

Kelly Osbourne is mad because Mtv (the company that made her remotely famous in the firstplace) won't play her new video... Granted, Mtv completely went in the crapper in recent years by limiting the number of different videos they'll show in any given week (I think the current number of videos per week is 35) and showing nothing but goofy, non-music-related shows most of the time, anyway... but y'know, shut your piehole you whiny brat... you're on the damned network all the time anyway, cussing at your mom and dad and stuff like that, why are you bitching? (oh, yeah, wait... I forgot, you're bitching because you are Kelly "super-spoiled brat" Osbourne)

She can claim she doesn't care, but the fact reamains that her album "Shut Up" has sold only 134,000 copies in the US since its release in November of last year.

In a recent interview, she said: "I honestly don't care if I sell any albums. People don't see me as an artist, they see me as a television star. And I don't care. I don't care if people take me seriously as an artist." uhhh... yeah, right... you don't care... that's why you did it in the first place, then... and that's why you spent an entire episode of The Osbournes screaming and crying and cussing your parents to get them to let you have the chance to be a recording artist... because you don't care... [Tony smells a weak-assed sour grapes cop out]

Listening to: The Dillinger Escape Plan - "Calculating Infinity" (1999)