
Fred Durst... I'm Almost Impressed

I just got done watching Fred "Sug" Durst on the Howard Stern Show... and I have to say that I was nearly impressed with how "well-behaved" he was being... until it kind of became apparent why he was behaving so nice about things... Well, firstoff, it's Howard Stern, and he's a one-track-mind fucking jerk, like I even need to explain that... so the entire half-hour was devoted to Fred and Britney Spears... which is really all I cared about, anyway, so cool... The first half of the interview, Fred is basically being pretty evasive about everything, not flat out saying anything concrete... acting a bit "timid," actually. As time goes on, he's opening up a little more, revealing details about things like how she behaved aggresively toward him, the authenticity of portions of her anatomy, and such... Howard brings up the stuff that Britney has been saying about how she "doesn't really know him," and stuff like that, to which Fred replies, "She's a lying bitch" (a ha... the real Fred is starting to poke his head out, I see), and starts letting some things slip about the whole "production" ordeal and all that and then, without coming out and saying "I did her," talks about what positons he did her in... again, without ever really saying, "I did her..." By the end of the interview, Fred is joined by (his personal security guard?) Paco, and since Fred isn't really coming out and admitting it directly (by now, obviously in an attempt to avoid some kind of potential defamation situation), Paco dishes that Fred and Britney, in fact, did ride the hobby horse (he was there, apparently)...
So I was a little disappointed that Fred wasn't being himself, and very nearly impressed at his restraint... but it was all an act. He was all like, "I can't believe this is an issue... I wish it wasn't," and goofy shit like that. Give me a break... I mean, shit, what did he think Howard was gonna talk about on the show? The band? Wes Borland? The new album? Bottom line, do I think he got it on with Ms. Spears? Absolutely... Do I have a changed opinion of Fred? Well, hell no I don't... I mean, decent interview, I guess, but he's still Fred... but he tried, anyway... even if it was only to avoid getting his ass sued off...

Listening to: Sigur Ros - "( )" (2002)