
They've Lost Their Minds

I think that VH-1 oughta maybe think about changing the name of The Rock Show to The Rock Show For People With a Shitty Sense of What is or Has Ever Been "Rock"... or maybe The Rock Show For People That Don't Really Like Rock Music... They show, like TWO videos that are worth a shit and the rest is crap... Okay... so it's only half over and the only things worth sitting through were Foo Fighter's "Learn to Fly" (barely) and Faith No More's "Epic" (which is probably my least favorite song of theirs, ever) so far, and it's not looking good on the path to any redemption... The rest has been, like, "Girls, Girls, Girls" by the Cr�e, "Jaded" by Aerosmith (the best song they've done in years, but it's pop, totally), "California Girls" by DLR (again, pop as shit), "Underneath it All" by No Doubt (good band, not a rock band, though), etc... I guess it's just gonna have to be Uranium (on MMUSA)or bust for music video shows from now on...
Okay... WAIT JUST A FARGIN' MINUTE... Moby's "South Side???" on The ROCK Show? Whomever they've put in charge of programming this show is really, really confused (and whatever marketing people thought that the JayZ Heineken commercial was a good spot to run is on the ball, as well - I mean, when I ran national spots on my radio shows, I usually had different spots to pick from, depending on the format of the station... was pretty easy to not run the hip hop Busta Rhymes Mountain Dew spot in the middle of my rock radio programming...). *sigh*
OH, MY GOD!!!! U2's "Elevation" is... ahem... NOT ROCK, EITHER!!!! Thank the gods it is over, now, so I can shut up about how piss poor their programming for that show has gotten... Back to my CD player, damnit...

NOW Listening to: Dredg - "El Cielo" ("The Sky") (2002)