
Love Enters Not Guilty Plea

Courtney Love entered a plea of not guilty to two felony counts of illegal drug posession in Beverly Hills on Wednesday. Her preliminary hearing is set for December 11.

Love is also scheduled to be arraigned on Friday for being under the influence of a controlled substance.

It's a possibility that she will be eligible for "diversion," in which she can participate in drug counseling for two years and have the charges against her dismissed upon completion of the program.

I really enjoyed what she had to say about it last week:

"I want to make one thing clear right now, I do not take narcotics. I have taken prescription pills, and I went to rehab once. I take Xanax that is prescribed to me, but practically everybody does that nowadays. But I do not take street narcotics."

Soooooo.... if Xanax is not a "street narcotic," what the fuck is, you retarded hag? So what if they're prescribed for you? I come from Portsmouth, Ohio - the pillhead capital of the known universe - featured on shows like 20/20, Dateline & 48 Hours for it's rampant prescription abuse and such... a place where no less than six doctors have had to surrender their licenses in the past couple years for writing massive amounts of illegal prescriptions for things like Lorcet, Percodan, OxyContin & Xanax... all of which are easily classified as "street narcotics," available from about a thousand dealers in Portsmouth, alone... "...practically everybody does that nowadays..." Oh, yeah... I see... Good excuse... not... Yeah, you went to rehab once, and if you can make it through this "diversion" bullshit (gotta love that star treatment), that'll be twice... You deserve to be in jail, but you probably won't, 'cause you're all special... whatever, y'skanky burnout nutcase...

Listening to: Sevendust - "Seasons" (2003)