
What the Fuck is That?

Okay I know I said in an earlier post that Metallica "couldn't make me listen to their new album even if they wrote a song called 'Tony Phillips, You Rule' (and meant it), packed the CD in a box of 24k gold bricks and had it delivered in my brand new Ferrari by Jennifer Garner and Jennifer Connally..." Well, none of that stuff happened, but after hearing how bad the song "St. Anger" sounded, I wanted to give myself a chance to hear the rest of it... and it is, singlehandedly, the worst-sounding piece of dog shit of an excuse for music I have EVER heard in my entire life. The songs are horrible, the music is horrible, the lyrics are horrible, the mix job sounds like it was done by a deaf guy... all the drum "punch-ins" (the act of placing bits of extra instrumentation in certain places in the music) are just totally ridiculous... for some reason, someone told Lars that punching in a kick drum under every crash cymbal would be a good idea... they were way off on that one...

Anyhow, all the pieheads who think that Metallica has been worth anything since after ...and Justice For All have already jizzed all over their copies of St. Anger, but anyone who has been contemplating buying it and hasn't, yet - do yourself a favor and just dont... Buy anything else, instead. Hell, pay someone the fifteen bucks you would have spent on that garbage to stick a steel bucket over your head and pummel it with drumsticks for an hour... it will sound better and you will be more fulfilled... I promise...

...and to Metallica... you guys have pretty much sucked donkeys since that Black Album crap (ehhhhxit liyeeef... ehhhhnterrr niyeeet... taaaaaaaake mah hayunnnnd... we're off to nevah-nevah land... GAY)... but you SUPER-SUCK, nowadays...

(... something else that is also funny is how Metallica doesn't allow any of their CDs to be discounted (like the "buy one, get 80% off everything else" promotions) at Columbia House or BMG - because they are lame, penny-scrounging assholes)

Listening to: Black Sabbath - "Paranoid"