
Will Someone Shut This Stank Ho Up???

From the "She really irritates me" department:

"Singer" Lauryn Hill recently gave the Vatican a piece of her mind during their annual Christmas concert, telling them to "repent" for their sexual abuse and corruption.

She also had this to say:
"I did not come here to celebrate the birth of Christ with you but to ask you why you are not in mourning for his death inside this place," she said according to the Rome newspaper La Republica. She also told onlookers to seek blessings "from God not men" saying she did "not believe in representatives of God on earth."

blah blah frickin' blah....

Okay... who thought it would be a good idea to invite an outspoken, socially one-dimensional, non-Catholic R&B singer to a Catholic Christmas celebration? Don't people realize by now that everytime she opens up her mouth, something really ignorant, almost always controversial, and sometimes even racist comes out? (you need look no further that the time outside of an awards show, she actually said, "I'd rather have my baby starve than have a white person buy my album...")

In my maybe-not-so-humble opinion, she is the one that should be looking to repent - for bringing a child of another racist idiot, Wyclef Jean, into the world (then wanting it to starve before some cracker buys her music)... I'm not some big religious guy - far from it, but they certainly didn't invite her to come there so she could get all preachy and political against the Catholic church, they asked to simply come and sing a song... which she just couldn't do without opening her yap about something that doesn't have anything to do with her... We don't care what you think about the church, Lauryn Hill... just sing your shitty music and shut the fuck up... I, personally, don't give a shit about what you think about anything, at all. The sooner you fade away into your little racist world of mediocrity, the better...

Listening to: The Melvins - "Stoner Witch" (1994)