

So I was bored flipping through the channels, just about to fall asleep... when I realized that Mtv's Ashlee Simpson Show was on, and it was supposed to be the one chronicling her appearrance on Saturday Night Live... I didn't get to see the very beginning but they sure as shit spun it into some sort of positive for her... She was all, "I was so over it," and all that garbage... which despite her best acting job, she will never be "over it." It's basically ruined her career in the long haul (well, not to mention the NCAA halftime thing, which helped a little, too)... But I still enjoyed watching her and the Mtv douchery try to make it out like it was "no big deal."

Incidentally, I fell asleep right after...

On a side note, can someone tell me why she is on the cover of Cosmopolitan? Joe pulling some strings, calling in some favors, maybe? I seriously thought they tended to put attractive women on the cover of that rag... but apparently, I am mistaken.

Listening to: nothing... go figure.