
from the comments:

that's not fair. nickleback is a good band.
chelle 01.19.05 - 7:06 pm

Okay, for starters, I'm not ragging on the premise behind the songs, y'know? What they're talking about is a good thing... Good songs can be written on the subject of sex/sexuality... but these are not them.

No, what's not fair is for radio stations to play three different new Nickelback songs in a five-or-so hour period and trying to pass them all off as "the latest single..." which, they basically are. Record companies are so friggin' greedy, now, that they can't even pace themselves when it comes to takin' people's money... "Hey, let's push three songs at once. One of them will appeal to a lot of different people and we can get our money from them now instead of six months from now..."

I hold the shitty corporate radio stations responsible as well, though. They're far from innocent in the whole deal. They're arm in arm with the record companies and the promoters (in several cases, they are the promoters, too), skipping like Dorothy, the Lion, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man down the Yellow Brick Road all the way to the Big Assed Bank...

...And in the end we get totally screwed by these guys promoting such horrible music. I mean, honestly, and I'm not trying to disrespect fans of Nickelback (that much, anyway), but they're just a sonic ripoff of Bush with an even fuglier frontman with probably less talent... and they'll disappear, too, just like Bush... I hated Bush... (they'll probably try to put something out in the next few and it will fall miserably flat... because all they can do at this point is basically rip off themselves)

I was beginning to be under the impression that the "totally interchangeable, shitty rock" style was so tired, already... I thought people had wised up to what good music sounded like... but no... they still crave big heaping piles of sonic crap...

Chelle, I'm sorry, but Nickelback is a bad band... a very, very bad band...

Listening to: Killswitch Engage - "Alive or Just Breathing" (2002)