
Fraud Pukes

When the whole thing with the Dime went down, I knew there going to be some assholes that were going to look to exploit it... so I went looking for blogspot domains that I could snatch up before some dipshit did... I managed to grab a couple like this one before some asspony got it... but most were already in use...

I was too late to grab one http://dimebagdarrell.blogspot.com -- in his origninal post, the guy even admitted that he "didn't know who Dimebag Darrell was..." which is basically my main gripe... So, I flamed his ass royally in the comments section... Not only have they deleted my comments, but they have removed the reference to the fact that they don't know who he is... and post this shit, acting like they are "informed" or something, with newsfeed links...

Shitbags like that makes me wanna puke... He deleted all my comments, so I posted more comments... so he took down commenting... because he's a chicken shit and doesn't want anyone else seeing that he's a piece of crap on the bottom of your shoe...

Listening to: Virgos Merlot