

When one of your friends passes away, it's pretty rough... when they are younger than you, it's rougher... when two friends pass in two days, it's almost unbearable.

Tom King (March 26, 1976- Dec. 5, 2004)
Tom was a great guy... He had a rough fight with complications from malaria after working in Africa.
I met him when he was pretty young (he was dating my then-girlfriend's little sister) - he knew more obscure stuff about every band and more than everything about obscure bands than anyone I ever met... We were in the process of getting him back to a place where he could be happy - behind a drum kit - when this happened...

Rickey B. (Brandon) Gilliam (October 28, 1973 - Dec. 6, 2004)
I cannot begin to explain how much this breaks my heart. He was probably the only guy that could show up at my house at 3am and wake me up from a deep sleep, just to shoot the breeze, and not get cussed out and a door slammed in their face...

I will have more to say about them both, but for now, considering how I feel at the moment, I just want to have some time with my thoughts...

Listening to: Blind Melon - "Soup"