
He Has a Blog???

Imagine my surprise when my favorite whipping boy, Fred Durst, showed up on Xanga with a weblog. I almost fell out of my seat. I thought he did all this on the band's website diary-thing? I was hoping this was a sign that maybe he was through trying to be a rock star... but no... I guess the have a new album planned in the near future... and the guy that said he'd never return to the band, Wes Borland, has returned to the band. Oy...

Anyhow, if you hop on over there, you'll get a glimpse into the mind of a total simpleton trying to use big words and complete wannabe-metaphysical bullshit to try to make himself seem smart... but as we already know, he's not. He has fooled some people, apprently - mostly european teens that can't speak english worth much of a shit. Oh, there's a handful of American teens on there, as well (who also can't seem to speak english worth a shit).

Some of you "regular readers" (well, okay, the six of you) will remember that after one post regarding the fact that I think that Fred is one of the biggest dorks in the music business, I received some "threatening material" in an email that came from the Jacksonville area... I believed at the time that the mail could have come from one of Fred's cronie dickweeds... I'll probably never know... but hey! Now that Fred has entered the world of weblogging, maybe he'll do a google search and end up here where he can read about how much of a fuck I think he is for himself and post a comment (not that he does that - apparently he doesn't venture outside his own blog)... Maybe I will go to his blog and invite him to come here and read my thoughts... Nah... he's got enough to deal with inside his own bizkithead, anyway...

Listening to: Stereomud