
Ozzy Nixes "Osbournes"

"When you watch a 25-minute episode, I've been filming all day... At the end of it I didn't like having cameras around the house all the time."

Well, it's about time, Oz (I'd have told those Mtv fuckers to get the hell out of my house a long time before you did)... Just don't come out in the next few weeks and tell us that your totally overrated/underdisciplined daughter, Kelly, will be getting her own spin-off (a la Jessica Simpson's less-than-talented sister, Ashlee).

To be honest, there were a few moments in "The Osbournes" televsion series that were good for a laugh... but seeing son Jack killing a dog in his sleep was not one of them... The end was pretty obvious after Ozzy's ATV accident... they just waited about a year too long to say so...

Listening to: Atreyu - "The Curse" (2004)