
P-Doody is Worthless

Sean Combs' much-publicized, highly-touted "Vote or Die" campaign... well, it fell flat on its face. I voted, basically in hopes that he wouldn't show up on my doorstep and shoot me in the head, but a majority of the "young crowd" didn't see it that way... Only 17% of the young voters turned up to vote in this election - the same pecentage that showed up in the last one... Yes, I do understand that this 17% was a bigger (number-wise) 17% than the 2000 election, but that's not the point... The point is that P-Diddy's vow that he "took over the hip-hop world (by basically appearring in all his artist's music and videos), grabbed the clothing world by storm, and now, we gonna take this votin' mothafucka, too" claim was worth a pile of mookie stinks... The sooner that people like him drop off the face of the planet and into the obscurity they deserve, the sooner that the country can take steps to head in the right direction... because at this point, any direction we head is better than the one we're heading in.

Listening to: APC