
Here We Go, Again

The latest from the "There IS Such a Thing as Bad Publicity" department:

After acting like a total ass in her court appearrance Tuesday, Courtney Love showed up in the David Letterman Show... and proceeded to act like a total ass there, as well on Wednesday... and then proceeded to throw a microphone stand at a guy in a nightclub in NY and get herself arrested... again... She was charged with reckless endangerment and third degree assault...

Frankly, I'm not really all that surprised by her actions... She's quite obviously got some intense problems, and she's hell bent on letting a world that does not care know about it, too... All she is doing with this latest round of bullshit is shooting herself in the foot... over and over... and over...

I'm also getting a little tired of every time I turn around hearing about more of her bizarre, disturbed behavior in the news... All you "Courtney lovers" out there, this is for you:
Courtney Love is not now, nor has she ever been "cool," "hardcore," "edgy," "punk rock," or anything resembling any of the aforementioned... She is borderline certifiably insane, a skank, not talented in the slightest, a drug addict, a skank, a shitty singer, ugly, disrespectful of anyone with more talent than her, a skank, horribly overrated, a waste of space, in need of a lot of help... did I say skank, already?

Listening to: Pat Metheny - "Bright Size Life"