
Willie... What the Hell?

Was flipping through the channels the other day when I came upon CMT... on the stage was the now countrified Sheryl Crow with veteran country icon Willie Nelson... Now, I like ol' Willie, but what was happening on that stage was... welll... for lack of a better word, shitty. They were doing duets... or at least supposed to be... Sheryl was belting it out in her usual way, but it was like Willie didn't know any of the words, was late with them when he did, his harmonies were horrible at best... man, it was just horrible. I was kinda sad, 'cause like I said, I dig the guy... His usually-way-cool guitar parts were absent in favor of a single note here, a single note there... Well, it was awful.

Maybe he was just reeeaaalllllly high, or something.

Listening to: NUdE - "Rising" (2003)