
You Got THAT Right

I heard someone on televeision refer to American Idol as "the show that changed music and television, forever." Well, yeah, I guess it did... It changed music forever by cheapening it to a whole new level of cheapness... and it changed television forever by making it even worse than it already was... Yeah, the people that come out of that show as "winners" go on to sell millions of copies of their "music," but the music is sucky shit that's made for the sheep out there with zero musical taste that will flock to anything anyone else tries to tell them is hip... Not that critics' opinions mean shit, but every one I've seen has panned both of the past two winners' albums (with the exception being that Clay Aiken guy's album, but... he wasn't a winner to begin with)...

So, all of you that watch that show with any kind of regularity, just remember... I just called you "sheep."

Listening to: Kyuss - "Blues for the Red Sun"