
Newstead's PAPA WHEELIE is (Finally) a Reality...

Former Metallica/Flotsam & Jetsam/Voivod, etc. bassist Jason Newstead has a new band in the offerring - a "stoner-punk-metal" band called Papa Wheelie... It's actually been in the works for some time (the idea came about almost ten years ago), but is officially getting off the ground only recently... In the band, Newstead does lead vocals and plays guitars...

The music... well... it pretty much sucks... I've always kinda thought Newstead had the most integrity of all the "Metallicahks," but with this project... well... it just sucks... I don't know what else to say about it... Well, the bass player is the guy that Jason buys his mountain bikes from... if that gives you any idea into the talent pool of the band... not that owners of bike shops can't be bass players, but c'mon... ;)

I'm sorry, Jas... If this means that I don't get a Christmas card in 2004, I'm sorry... but you should just get with a (good) band, and stay with it for more than a couple months, 'kay?

Anyhow, if you give a shit, you can go read more about them and listen to three tracks they recorded in the Chophouse studio HERE.

Listening to: Iron Maiden - "Powerslave" (1984)