
Why RealPlayer is Annoying

As can be seen in my upcoming Flavas, Volume X column (coming very soon), I have a little problem with some of the dumb comments that the RealPlayer uses for its artists... Here's a couple good ones you get when you pop a Rush CD in:

Rush worked out math rock equations through the function of guitar, bass, keyboard and drums. They also wore tights.


Most of Rush's lyrics were written by itty-bitty ponytail wearing drummer Neil Peart.

Yeah, I understand that they're trying to be humorous or something, there... but, y'know... that's just plain shitty... Real has made some pretty good leaps in the quality of their media (audio and video) in the past couple years, but obviously their crew of crack trivia people are speds...

If that's the best stuff you come up with for "rock trivia" regarding Rush... well, you need some new trivia writers... in a hurry, even... I will happily throw my hat into the ring, should any of the folks at RealNetworks come across this...

Listening to: Rush