
Rolling Stone Magazine Founder Honors Self With Induction

In the latest from the "Rolling Stone magazine is a joke" department :

Founder Jann Wenner, who also has been active in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame since its inception, including the process of nominees, has decided that he deserves to be in the Hall, as well...

Is this guy for real? I mean, I'm not saying that he doesn't deserve to be there (although judging by the past ten years of the magazine, he doesn't), but a.) to nominate yourself and b.) to ignore all the other people that were involved in making Rolling Stone magazine (at one time, a long time ago, in a galaxy far... err... nevermind) "the definitive music publication" in favor of just glorifying himself... well, that just takes piles of (not) class...

Yeah, Jann Wenner, you're a great guy... You've pretty much singlehandedly turned music into nothing more than a cheap commodity, nothing but an object to be bought and sold and marketed into oblivion and mediocrity... You've made sure that people who should be recognized as significant to the world of music will never be... Your ego is incredible. You really need help...

Well, it's just more fuel to feed the "how can you take this rag seriously, anymore" fire...