

I was watching this thing on CourtTV about my mostest favoritest person in the world (note: sarcasm), Courtney Love... In it, they keep referring to her as "the queen of punk rock" and a "punk rock diva" and all sorts of other stupid (and completely misguided) "punk" references... My question is, why? There is nothing remotely "punk rock" about Courtney Love in the slightest... well, unless you count the time she auditioned for (and lost) Sid Vicious' "better half" in Sid & Nancy... or maybe that she thinks she has some kind of punk connection, therefore she must be punk... or maybe it has something to do with that time she yelled at the photographer, "You think I'm not punk rock?!?!?" before she started swinging at her, tryng to act like she's all hard...

Wow... Impressive...

"Oh, Courtney, you're so cooooool... You punked out Madonna at the Mtv VMAs, once... That took balls..." Who couldn't take pot shots at Madonna?
You can't be all Hollywood (like she pretends to be) and be punk, too (which she also pretends to be)... It's basically an oxymoron (which, she's pretty proved that she's an Oxy (Contin) moron, herself).

It aggrevated me so much that I had to grab my DK and Television CDs and remind myself how much of a complete wannabe sellout skanky piece of heroin-infested trash she really is...

Listening to: Dead Kennedys - "Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables"