
Work is Coming Along...

Work on the xtaticmusic.net site is coming along... I did a few different layouts for my own amusement and I think I have settled on one of two very basic ideas which can be seen on this test page.
I was thinking about doing a big "bells & whistles" page in Flash and such... but I decided that a really super-basic page (I said "fuck it" to HTML editors like Dreamweaver and the like, and am doing it all in NotePad (Hell yeah! Old-school, baby!) that was more user-friendly (I, like most surfers I know, fucking hate going to graphic-intense pages (broadband or no) and sitting and waiting for background images and big, bloated jpegs to load), streamlined, and painless was the right way to go... that leaves way more room for the good stuff - content.
I should have it all squared away in the next couple weeks, and then will be constantly adding in content to make it an even better place to go hang out than here... well... okay... Actually it will complement this site nicely, I think...

Listening to: Joe Jackson (& Friends) - "Heaven & Hell" (1997)