
Mikey is Slick

Michael Jackson in an interview with CBS's Ed Bradley:

"Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists."

Did ya catch that? Notice that he did not say, "Before I would molest a child, I would slit my wrists." That's because, in most cases, a pedophile does not believe they are "hurting" a child when they molest them (in fact, they tend to see it as an "act of love")... Therefore, what Michael Jackson is saying is most likely the honest truth as he believes it...
So, when and if you decide to give this interview the time of day Sunday night, keep this in mind as you watch... and you will most likely see a man that has deluded himself into actually believing that he is not a child molester...

Listening to: Todd Rundgren - "A Wizard, A True Star" (1973)