
Maynard Mtv2 Interview Video

Okay, after some hunting, I found a link to the video of the interview Kurt Loder did with Maynard James Keenan on Mtv2... it's a .wmv file (which equals "pretty sucky quality")... it's about three whole minutes long... in it, Keenan talks about his little boy, and his wine... (speaking of, I had a really good pinot noir and an equally as excellent cabernet, last night)
It's pretty cool, but it's far too short...
Luckily, back when I was doing the radio thing, I received a complete interview (from the fine folks at Virgin America) with Maynard (well over an hour) that he did when Mer de Noms came out. It's the best/most in-depth interview with Maynard I've ever seen/heard...

Listening to: Frank Zappa - Joe's Garage (Acts I, II & III) (1979)