
Will Wes Borland Join Evanescence?

Well, I don't really care... For now, ex Cold guitarist Terry Balsamo continues to tour with the band after Ben Moody jumped ship and began collaborating with Avril Lavigne. Word has it that Evanescence now totally blows live without Moody present... Someone referred to the new live show as "dinner party metal."

Meanwhile, rumors continue to float around that Borland's former band, LimpBizkit, will be opening several shows on the upcoming (or should I say "keeps on going, and going, and going") KISS farewell tour, that has been going on for about six years, now (enough already, fellas)... Maybe Fred "Fuckface" Durst will learn more about how to milk an audience out of every penny from merchandising whore Gene Simmons.

Listening to: Korn