
Quick Grammy Post

I found out that Prince was going to be in the first hour of the Grammy broadcast that afternoon and thought that I might actually watch the Grammys for the first time in probably fifteen years... The sucky thing was that it coincided with the Simpsons... but I really wanted to see if Prince was gonna jam, or what... SO I decided to watch...
Wouldn't you know it, Prince was the first guy out of the gate, doing "Purple Rain" - it was cool (he's got such a wicked guitar sound)... then, all of the sudden... that hoochie Beyonce comes out and starts singing that thousand-notes-a-second bullshit alongside of him... and totally ruined it... DAMN! People always have to go and fuck up a good thing... I mean, Prince played a medley of four of five of his big hits from back in the day, jammed his ass off on a couple guitars (the best guitar solos of the night, mind you)... and they have to go screw what could have been a legitimate good moment up by pairing him up with that skank trizzy... A friend of mine and I later were talking about it, and we decided that the songs in the Prince medley were each better than anything that was nominated for a Grammy that night...

So I flip back to it after a couple of minutes and they were introducing the "tribute to the Beatles" from Dave Matthews, Sting, Vince Gill, and Pharrell Williams... which, again, totally sucked donkey sack. Dave Matthews didn't even know the words (he actually sang, "I saw her dancing there")... It just sucked... It was like they just got up there and said, "hmmm, what song you wanna do?" Was cool to see Vince Gill actually playing a George Harrison Epiphone, though... I was almost starting to have some respect for Dave Matthews (sans his sucky band, mind you), but he lost it, pretty quick... And how (or why) the fuck did they get Pharrell Williams to play drums?

In case I haven't said it recently... The White Stripes fucking suck...

Why does music have to suck so much, now? I mean, I guess I mean that from a corporate perspective. There were songs that were nominated for Grammys that were from albums that were two years old... How the hell does that work? I was actually glad that Outkast won album of the year, because the other choices sucked so bad... And apparently, all you need to do to win a Grammy is pass away before the following year's awards and you're a sympathetic shoe-in (no disrespect to Mr. Zevon, who actually deserved his)...
At least I only had to miss the first two minutes of the Simpsons, anyway...

Listening to: Ill Nino - "Confession" (2003)