
Oh, Man...

As some of you know, I like to see where and how people are getting referred to here from. I get a lot of hits from people at search engines. One of the bigger referrals to my site in the past few months has been a search for Lillix guitar tabs, which never fails to crack me up, because if you need tabs to work up Lillix songs... well, that's a whole 'nother joke unto itself.

But there's been a referral to here that I've found a bit disturbing as of late, I guess you could say... a sign of the dumbing down of America's musical youth... so let me clear something up for some people, out there:

"Behind Blue Eyes" was NOT written by Fred Durst, nor is it even a Limp Bizkit song. It is a song by the band the Who. Just like "What I Like About You" is NOT a Lillix song... It's a song by the Romantics.

I suppose I should be lenient to all the 15 year-olds out there that have never heard of the Who or the Romantics, but y'know what? "Not gonna do it." You guys have parents, for cryin' out loud. Chances are, you probably don't talk to them, anymore. You come home from school and you lock yourselves in your room with KaZaA or whatever and rip off a bunch of music (well, to your defense, I wouldn't pay a nickle for some of the music you listen to, either)... but shit... communicate, for cryin' out loud. Go ask your parents about the music they liked when they were your age. Find out about the life outside your little bubble of existence, why don't ya?

...and for the love of God... stop listening to shitty bands like Limp Bizkit and Lillix...

Listening to: Drain STH - "Freaks of Nature"