
Hypocrisy is Funny, Sometimes

I'm sure that most people in the civilized world remember the recent Jewel video for the overtly shitty pop song "Intuition" (in one person's words, "the best Britney Spears song in years"), where she openly bashes ridiculous marketing fakery to sell a product.

Fast forward a few months later, and see the television advertisement for the Schick Intuition Razor, featuring none other than Jewel's song as the background (yeah, it's been around for a while, but I'm just getting around to griping about it).

So, in the song, Jewel asks you to "follow your heart," telling you to resist the sometimes overwhelming marketing ploys, and then she turns right around and licenses her song to a huge company for the very purpose her song and video satirize...

I there a lesson, here? Hmm... Well, maybe that everyone has their price? I hear she even performed at Intuitionfest, a concert in Central Park sponsored by Schick. The idea that Jewel is openly disgusted by advertising trends, except the ones that use her music, is extremely laughable.

People can be so fake. Maybe Jewel is just following her heart, and being a true sellout in the purest form.

Those of you that know me can probably guess what's coming, next... Yep, that's right:

Fuck Jewel. Her music sucks goatnuts, anyway.

Listening to: Jaco Pastorius - "Word of Mouth" (1981)