
Dead Milkman Dead

Former Dead Milkmen bassist Dave Blood committed suicide March 10...

His sister had this to say on the band's website:
This morning Dave Blood is no longer with us.
David is my brother. Since the breakup of the band David has never really found his niche in life.
My brother was a smart clever and talented person. Inner peace has seemed to elude him for the last many years.
Sometime last night David chose to end his life.
He left a note that I don't know all of what it said,he was not elaborate-but he said he just could not stand to go on any longer.

Our mother passed away at the end of January and maybe David just had had enough.

There will be a memorial service in a few weeks. I will try to remember to come to this board and post it.It will be in the Delaware County area.

Please pray for the respose of my bother's soul; that he now has the peace that seemed to elude him most of his life.

I want to say that one of the shiniest parts of David's life was being a Dead Milkman and having that claim to fame.And the fans who appreciated the talent and time that went into making the band rise above the ordinary-thank you all for making my brother feel and know that he was indeed somebody.


I find this to be pretty shitty news... I loved the Milkmen when they were around... I could always count on them to make me laugh when I was down, or even when I wasn't...

I'm sure I don't need to say this, but he'll be missed...

Listening to: the clicks of the keyboard as I type...