
Christina, You're Still a Ho

I was flipping the channels the other day (I tend to do that, a lot), and I came across Christina Aguilera on the Ellen DeGeneres Show... I've noticed recently that she's been trying to look all "tame" and such... but no matter how much she tames down her look, it won't ever change her status as a schtanky piece of trash...
And her singing has only gotten worse, as well... Holy jees, does she suck... Instead of cramming a hundred notes into a measure, she's up to about a thousand or so a measure, now... It's like she has to be "singing," even when there are no words to sing... In between verses, all over the place - all through the intros and outros... fucking *ack*... Well, it's just pathetic, if you ask me (and no, I don't care if you didn't)... Trying to dress all civilized only makes her look like even more of a fake, now...

Listening to: Jaco Pastorius - "Word of Mouth" (1981)