

I've noticed a few people coming to this site with the intention of finding a Web site for A Perfect Circle bassist Jeordie White...
The best link I can come up with is:


There's some new pics of him from the Denver show, as well (that's how I found the site, anyway)...

After I read some of the stuff he said, basically slagging his former band (Marylin Manson) with that "been there, done that, get on with it already or get out of the way and let me do my shit" attitude, I developed a serious bit of respect for the guy... Then he joined APC, and I got a chance to see that he's way more versatile of a cat than the Mansonites would have ever let him be.

Anyhow, those of you looking for a good Jeordie Web site, there y'go...

Listening to: Karma to Burn - "Karma to Burn" (1997)