
Wow... Impressive...

Frontman for the White Stripes, Jack White, reportedly turned down an offer to appear on Lindsay Lohan's debut album, Speak. Said White:
"Somebody dared to ask me. Ha! She's another 16-year-old actress making an album. Like, 'NO!'"

Y'know, I don't particularly care for Lindsay Lohan in any respect, but she apparently wanted to get White on her album because she was an admirer of his (and I use the term quite loosely) talent... Just like I wouldn't mind having Ian Astbury, Chris Whitley, or Alison Krauss on my debut (I would, of course, expect them to turn me down, but I would expect them to probably do it with some decency, as well)... But, of course, he had to go run his mouth and provide us with yet more proof that he is, in fact, a great big douche...

Thanks for reminding us, dickhead.

Listening to: King Crimson - "Discipline" (1981)