
My God... Is this Even Real?

Apparently, everyone's favorite droop-eyed richer than God gutterslut, Paris Hilton, is in the studio with Li'l John, at work on her upcoming album??? Give me a fucking break, people.

So, it seems she got all "distracted" in between filming some more of that Simple Life dreck and filming some movie (that's bound to blow worse than Oliver Stone's Alexander) and didn't have time to record her album... Jesus Tapdancing Christ... is this even remotely newsworthy? Well, what I mean is, does she think she can do all this stupid shit (like try to act and write a book and sing) because she's a Hilton, or something, and that people will care enough to go watch her movies or buy her album? ...wait, what am I saying? Of course they will. There are tons of sheep that will flock to this tripe like they flocked to her on television and to her book and all that shit... because that's just what they are... mindless sheep.

I'm so tired of hearing stuff like this about such utter garbage like her... OD, already.

Listening to: Prime STH