
'Clef Looks to Buy an Island

Y'know, I try not to focus too much on one person in my ranting and raving... I mean, I'm an "equal opportunity offender." But sometimes, people are so aggrevating.

Take Wylclef Jean, for instance. I give him ten kinds of hell... only because he deserves it, though. I guess this is a few months old at this point, but it's a jewel to me... Seems that after the recent crop of hurricaines that ravaged his former homeland of Haiti, Wyclef is looking to buy an island and turn it into... you got it, a luxury resort... a tourist trap.

"It's definitely going to be more than [sic] a property... more like a whole island and I'm going to work on developing that into the next Montego Bay.

"You already know that if Wyclef buys an island, you all come on it. Those who know me already know the festivities and the excitement that will be on that island."

Let me guess... you're doing it for the people, right? Just like you did "'Clef's Kids" (which is currently defunct due to "lack of funds") for the children, right? You told all "your people" in Haiti to "plant more trees" to help discourage mudslides after torrential rains, yet you didn't buy a single tree for them to plant, did ya (he didn't)? I'll give ya your "props" or whatever you were wanting for even going there after the hurricaines in the first place, but c'mon...

Face it... the only thing he's thinking when he says he wants to buy an island in Haiti and put a luxury resort (that, incidentally, none of his countrymen besides himself will be able to afford to go to) on it is that he is looking to make even more ridiculous amounts of money... that he will spend on stupid cars and jacuzzis and houses for himself...

You are an incredible hypocrite, Wyclef. Also, how bright of a move you think it is to build a huge resort in a location that is such a bullseye for hurricaines? If ya wanna spend some money down there, why don't you just buy all the Haitians that lost everything this summer a new house, or something (it would probably be cheaper, too)? Nah, that would be too easy, wouldn't it?

Listening to: Chris Whitley - "Dirt Floor" (1998)