
What the Fuck, People?

I didn't hear about this until my friend Jarrod woke me up this morning (and for a couple groggy minutes, I was totally convinced he was up to one of his goofy jokes)... It was a long evening and I'm never really much for the local tv news, but...

Damageplan was playing the Alrosa Villa in Columbus, last night - a place that I have seen way more shows than I can count - when a guy runs up on stage... and shoots and kills "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott and three others (one of whom had come up on stage and tried to help Dime) before police shot and killed the gunman...

I can all but guarantee that my friend Kevin from Voidgazer was there (he goes to five shows a week, it seems). I am interested in what he will have to say about this.

UPDATE: Kevin was at the show... He was an eyewitness... you can read his first thoughts here.

There is a videotape of the incident, but police will most likely have it under wraps for some time.

You can watch the local early news coverage here (please don't judge all Ohioans by the eyewitness accounts)...

I'm sure it's probably rather silly of me to theorize, but my first instincts tell me the gunman was a disgruntled Pantera fan, or a huge Phil Anselmo fan, or something totally whacked like that...

Okay look, people... I have had a really crummy week... incredibly massively shitty, in fact. Now someone has shot and killed one of my favorite guitarists on the planet... Enough already, okay?